Open Application: Portuguese Debating Contest 2024 (Final) (Deadline application: 01 November 2024, 17:00) Gallery Open Application: Portuguese Debating Contest 2024 (Final) (Deadline application: 01 November 2024, 17:00) cna, News Open Application: Portuguese Debating Contest 2024 (Final) (Deadline application: 01 November 2024, 17:00) sharonkuok Kuok Un Pui2024-10-29T09:38:33+08:00October 29th, 2024|
UM Student wins Championship at ‘Dual Celebration Cup’ Speech Competition Gallery UM Student wins Championship at ‘Dual Celebration Cup’ Speech Competition cna, News UM Student wins Championship at ‘Dual Celebration Cup’ Speech Competition sharonkuok Kuok Un Pui2024-10-29T09:35:36+08:00October 29th, 2024|
AY2024/2025 2nd Semester PGH House Tutor Recruitment dorisiong Iong Weng Man, Doris2024-10-28T16:58:30+08:00October 28th, 2024|
[Main Campus]Student Housing – Result of PGH Room Change Application for the 1st Semester of AY2024/2025 dorisiong Iong Weng Man, Doris2024-09-23T09:34:14+08:00September 23rd, 2024|
[Hengqin PGH] – Result of PGH Room Change Application for the 1st Semester of AY2024/2025 dorisiong Iong Weng Man, Doris2024-09-23T09:32:25+08:00September 23rd, 2024|
Minzu University of China Visits the University of Macau for Cultural Exchange and Flash Mob Performance Gallery Minzu University of China Visits the University of Macau for Cultural Exchange and Flash Mob Performance cna, News Minzu University of China Visits the University of Macau for Cultural Exchange and Flash Mob Performance sharonkuok Kuok Un Pui2024-09-12T10:06:06+08:00September 12th, 2024|
UM Chinese Orchestra Student wins the Cultural Affairs Bureau Prize in the 42nd Macao Young Musicians Competition Gallery UM Chinese Orchestra Student wins the Cultural Affairs Bureau Prize in the 42nd Macao Young Musicians Competition cna, News UM Chinese Orchestra Student wins the Cultural Affairs Bureau Prize in the 42nd Macao Young Musicians Competition sharonkuok Kuok Un Pui2024-09-12T10:02:39+08:00September 12th, 2024|
The University of Macau Cantonese Debating Team has won the championship and second place in the “2024 Hong Kong and Macao Cantonese Debating Contest” Gallery The University of Macau Cantonese Debating Team has won the championship and second place in the “2024 Hong Kong and Macao Cantonese Debating Contest” cna, News The University of Macau Cantonese Debating Team has won the championship and second place in the “2024 Hong Kong and Macao Cantonese Debating Contest” sharonkuok Kuok Un Pui2024-09-12T09:58:43+08:00September 12th, 2024|
The 23rd Macao-wide English Speech Contest & 30th “21st Century Cup” National English Speaking Competition Macao Regional Contest (Deadline: 17 Sep 2024) Gallery The 23rd Macao-wide English Speech Contest & 30th “21st Century Cup” National English Speaking Competition Macao Regional Contest (Deadline: 17 Sep 2024) cna, News The 23rd Macao-wide English Speech Contest & 30th “21st Century Cup” National English Speaking Competition Macao Regional Contest (Deadline: 17 Sep 2024) sharonkuok Kuok Un Pui2024-09-12T09:55:13+08:00September 12th, 2024|
Academic Year 2024/2025 – Arrangement for Postgraduate Freshmen to Apply for Stay Permit (13-25 Sept) sharonkuok Kuok Un Pui2024-09-12T10:15:34+08:00September 12th, 2024|