Each Postgraduate House (PGH) building has a dedicated team of House Tutors (HTs) who work together with the Student Resources Section – Student Housing Team to develop and maintain an atmosphere where residents integrate their intellectual and social development and inspire one another in their learning and research through the social activities organized by the HTs.
The HTs are our current postgraduate students who live in PGH. They could be reached at the front desk in Student Housing office during office hours, and are also on duty during non-office hours. Please feel free to call and meet your HTs – they are happy to help with any living problems, big or small.
Job Description
- Help PGH residents to solve their living problems
- Act as communicator between residents and SRS Student Housing Team
- Assist SRS Student Housing Team to manage PGH
- Assist SRS Student Housing Team to process house visit and other residents-related operation
- Assist in the events organized or supported by SAO; create and organize the HTs’activities in PGH
- Assist in check-in, check-out and room changing period
- Provide frontline service in SRS Student Housing office