Miscellaneous administration fee, includes electricity fee, water fee (including sewage treatment fee, garbage disposal fee (charged by Zhuhai Water Supply General Company), natural gas fee and other administration fee. The charges are as follows:

Items Unit rate for PGH-HQ
Electricity Fee(per kWh) 0.75
Water Fee Water fee (per m3) 1.97
Sewage treatment fee (per m3) 1.08
Garbage disposal fee (per month) 9
Natural Gas Fee (per m3) 3.9
  • Any amount less than 1 pataca (MOP) will be rounded up to 1 pataca (MOP).
  • During the semester or summer, residents are responsible for the water, electricity and natural gas consumption generated in all the apartment(s) they have occupied. If there are roommate(s) and/or the other resident(s) sharing the apartment, the consumption will be shared among them during the cohabitation period. The garbage disposal fee is divided equally among all residents who stayed in the apartment during the month.
  • Residents’ stay period and cohabitation period with roommate(s) will be determined based on the recorded move-in date on the move-in form, the new room check-in date/current room check-out date on the room change form, and the move-out date on the move-out form.
  • Students who have been granted for a room change, regardless of when students change room within the month, are responsible for the garbage disposal fee for all apartments they stayed in during the month. If there are roommate(s) and / or the other resident(s) sharing the apartment, the garbage disposal fee is divided equally among all residents who stayed in the apartment during the month.
  • The water, electricity and natural gas consumption for each apartment will be based on the meter readings recorded by the management company at the beginning of each month.
  • The Treasury Section of the University of Macau will issue the relevant fee via E-Debit Note to the residents (normally issued in the next semester). Residents should settle the payment before the deadline. Otherwise, it will affect the PGH accommodation allocation in the next semester/academic year or check-out procedure.


Apartment no. Bedspace Move-in date Move-in reading End-of-month reading Payable amount of the month(MOP) Total payable amount of the month
Electricity Water Natural Gas Electricity Water Natural Gas Electricity Water Natural Gas
Resident A 1001 A 1 Aug 20 5 3 50 9 7 [(50-30)/2+(30-20)]x0.75= MOP 15 Water fee and Sewage treatment fee:[(9-7)/2+(7-5)]x(1.97+1.08)=MOP 10

Garbage disposal fee:9/2= MOP 5

[(7-5)/2+(5-3)]x3.9=MOP 12 42
Resident B 1001 B 15 Aug 30 7 5 [(50-30)/2]x0.75= MOP 8 Water fee and Sewage treatment fee:[(9-7)/2] x(1.97+1.08)= MOP 4

Garbage disposal fee:9/2= MOP 5

[(7-5)/2]x3.9=MOP 4 21