
Student Activity Centre is a multi-functional building for student activities launched in 2014. It houses office and conference room of the University of Macau Students’ Union (UMSU), practice rooms and offices of Culture and Arts University teams, and various venue for student activities including a 243-seat theatre, an outdoor plaza, recreation room (Student Corner), meeting rooms, multi-function hall and multi-function rooms. Student Activity Centre is a popular option to hold different types of activity, including musical and dancing performance, movie screening, etc.

ALL venues open from 09:00 to 23:00 except outdoor plaza from 09:00 to 22:00.

Student Activity Centre has,

  • Offices for Student Affairs Office;
  • Offices for Students’ Union & its sub-organizations;
  • Four music practice rooms for Cultural & Arts U-Teams;
  • National Flag Team Exhibition Room;
  • Venue for student activities such as,
    • Theatre;
    • Out door Plaza;
    • Tea bar;
    • Meeting rooms;
    • Multi-function hall ;
    • Multi-function rooms;
    • Music Room operated by Students’ Union;
      • For Enquiry, please approach UMSU office at E31-1014 during its office hour (Mon-Fri: 10:00-12:00, 13:00-18:00; Sat: 10:00-13:00);
    • Counters, banners and easy-stand hoisting locations. 

If you encounter an emergency or require assistance at the Student Activity Centre, please contact the following units for support:

During office hours: Monday to Thursday 09:00 – 13:00 ; 14:00 – 17:45, Friday from 09:00 – 17:30

  • Student Resources Section 8822 8705 / 8822 9919

If an emergency occurs outside of office hours, please contact the Security Centre for assistance:

  • Security Centre 8822 4126